\n\n {{tooltipAction}}\n{{tooltipText}}
\n\n {{tooltipAction}}\n{{ $t('The action you want people to take upon seeing your ads') }}
\n\n {{ $t('Optional') }}\n
\n\n\n {{ $t('This amount has to be') }} ${{ min_allowed_bid }} {{ $t('or more.') }}\n
\n\n Meta will spend your budget to generate leads using a high-volume bidding strategy. Set a cost-per-action goal if needed.\n Learn more\n
\n\n {{ $t('This amount has to be') }} ${{ fallback_min_allowed_bid }} {{ $t('or more.') }}\n
\n\n\n {{ $t('alternative_cpc_note') }} Learn more\n
\n\n {{ budgetTypeMeta.note }}\n
\n\n {{ minAllowedBudgetMsg }}\n
\n\n {{ $t('* You may be charged somewhere between 5 to 10% more than your desired amount.') }}\n
\n\n {{ $t('Spend the budget throughout the whole day.')}}\n
\n \n {{ $vErrors.first([errors, serverErrors], `step4.adsets.${adsetIndex}.delivery_type`) }}\n \n\n {{ $t('Spend the budget as soon as possible.')}}\n
\n\n {{ $t('Some of the websites you have targeted will cost more than') }}\n ${{ cost_per_action }} {{ bid_type }},\n {{ $t('You need to edit or confirm these changes to your budget before you can continue.') }}\n
\n\n\n {{ $t('*You will not be asked again to confirm this unless there are changes in prices or selected websites. From the website performance section, on the campaign insight page, you can easily update the website bids.') }}\n